Local 343

Devoted and dedicated to promoting and championing the struggles of professional, technical, office and clerical employees in Canada.

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Local 343

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Solidarity Action for COPE 343 members at Momentum Credit Union in Hamilton & Oakville

You are invited to join us at our INFORMATION LEAFLET.DATE: Tuesday, March 22, 2022, TIME: 6:00 TO 8:00 AM FORD O.A.C. Gate 12, 1425 North...


Solidarity Statement for Ukraine

nStarting on the morning of February 24th, 2022 the Russian Military forces, as directed by Putin’s Government, launched an unprecedented attack on Ukraine. Our union...


n **STRIKE AVERTED AT HMECU!!! n n n A big shout out to the Bargaining Team and the Staff Reps for the incredibly long hard...

COPE 343 convention election results

Meet the Executive Board 2021–2023 n


Lyndon George presented with the Liz Fong Activist Award 2021

View the 2021 Liz Fong Activist Award n About the award n In honour of her service to the membership and the Labour movement, COPE...

Upcoming Events

Events will be up soon!